We have lift off!!!

After almost 12 months since we signed our pre-works contract with Boutique, we have finally started building.

Works commenced on site 21/05/2014 with something happening everyday until 03/06/2014 when our slab was poured.

So far there have only been a few days where we haven’t been on site.  For some people this is probably seen as overkill but both my partner and I believe that we can save ourselves a lot of pain if we are on top of exactly what is going on.

Our site supervisor has advised that all trades are now booked up until Plaster which they expect to be done by the end of this month.  Once it starts it really does get going.

I was pleased when he advised me that they were going to let the slab rest for a week prior to the framer coming to start next Wednesday.  I watched a 2 storey across the road go from Slab Pour on the Saturday, Frame resting on the Slab Monday night to Frame & Roof Trusses on by Wednesday Night.  Unbelievable!!!

All blocks bar 2 have now been sold in our stage which is a bonus, however one of the two is right behind us which is a bit of a pain. We have two dogs and one really doesn’t like it when there are people near HER yard.  This will be an issue when the block finally sells and people want to build on it.

Our closest neighbours across the road have moved in and are a lovely retired couple.  I am yet to meet them, however my fiance has spoken with them regularly and has said they are extremely nice people.

Our site supervisor has so far been very thorough.  We have also heard of other people who have had him as their supervisor and everyone has good things to say about him.

Last night was the first night that we got out on the slab, and as we have had a bit of rain over the past couple of days we could see the low spots on the slab.  Over the next day or so we will be going out with the tape measure and level to see if the unevenness is going to be a problem.

The only part which looks decidedly “dodgy” is the portico, where we could see that the fall of the slab was allowing water to pool right at the door way.  There is also a piece of concrete which is outside our bedroom window which is very “Lumpy”.  The check with the level this weekend will dictate what happens with these areas.

So we should have a frame by the end of next week, and perhaps the bricks started the week after.

Below are some of the photos of the process so far.





















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